Friday, September 22, 2017

Fall Break + Reminders

No school next week!
I hope you are all able to relax and spend some time together over the break.

When we return on October 2nd...
Grammar-Collective nouns
Reading- Review of all reading that we have learned so far this year
Writing- Personal narratives about Fall Break
Math- Solving word problems that include coin value
Content- Laws, elected officials and where they work

A note from Mrs. Bosworth -
I am so excited for the Oct. 5th PTA Performance for 2nd Grade!  I have one small request:  One of their songs needs a kazoo. I was trying to purchase it for them, but while one kazoo is cheap, 180 of them is not.  Could parents please send in a kazoo for their child to use for the performance on Oct. 5th?  Please bring it in by Monday, Oct. 2nd.  Students will use them for rehearsals that week.  

Reflections - 
National PTA Reflections Contest Announcement
If you have a passion for any of these forms of art the Reflections Contest is for you!
*Visual Arts*   *Photography*   *Literature*   *Film Production*   *Musical Composition*    *Dance Choreography*
The King Springs PTA Reflections Committee will gather and jury the art with special emphasis given to how the art represents this years’ theme:
Within Reach
The student artists compete with other King Springs artists at their own grade level and within their category.  Winners at the King Springs level then advance to the Jessye Coleman Council, then to the State and then National levels. 
Deadline for Entry:  8:00 AM, October 4, 2017
Where:  Media Center at both of the campuses
Please check the KSE PTA Website for more information.
Or you can contact Katie Loadholtes at (404) 518-2070 or email to or Dharini Deivasigamani (404) 747-5235 or email to

*I will forward the email with forms to you all

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


You can Support the Pride until October 6th! Help Springer reach his crown. Supporting the Pride could also benefit second grade directly. Check out our video:

Friday, September 15, 2017

Next Week in M3...

Another week (well, three day week) in the books! We got lots done in these three days, however next week we will be playing catch up from the days we missed.

Last night there was a question on the homework about "making ten". Due to our friend Irma, we had not gotten to that yet. We learned about it today and the kids ROCKED IT!

After catching up with last week...
We will be learning:
Math- We will begin learning about coins and their value
Grammar- Continuing with context clues 
Phonics- Long a digraph 
Reading- Continuing with how characters respond to major events and challenges 
Writing- We will begin the process of publishing our personal narratives
Science- All about matter! We will be having lots of fun with this one. 

Don't forget:
- Support The Pride is still going on! The class with the most donations gets a Popsicle party! 
- Picture day forms - picture day is September 22nd. I've only received one picture order packet so far.
- Tell your kids how awesome they are ☺

Wish list - 
- Mini Hershey bars for our science experiment 
- Oeros for our science experiment 
- Nilla Wafers for our science experiment 
- Chocolate Chip Cookies for our science experiment 
- Healthy snacks for students who forget - I'm down to half a box of goldfish 
- Our amazon wish list is posted in the top left of the blog

Same as last week 

Ms. Pellegrini 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Next Week in M3...

I cannot believe we have already finished our sixth week of school. This year is really flying by! I continue to feel so proud of these kids and love teaching them.

Congrats to our Orange House students who got to celebrate their house winning for the month of August!
*students are only able to attend these celebrations if they have received less than 3 behavior slips/0 office referrals for the month*

- Support The Pride has started! Help Springer reach his crown!
- Send in your child's field trip permission form
- Sign up to come be a mystery reader
- Send in your photo order packet for picture day - September 19th

What we're learning:
Phonics: Open syllable words
Grammar: Context clues
Reading: We will talk about how characters in stories respond to major events.
Math: We will wrap up comparing numbers and begin learning addition strategies within 20
Writing: Continuing work on our narritives. We will talk about transition words, revising, editing, and publishing our writing
Content: Finish up regions/rivers and move into properties of matter

Pattern words:

High Frequency Words:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Next week in M3...

Last week was another fantastic week in our classroom. These kids amaze me daily. Look out for pictures from our week on Bloomz!
Important Information: 
-We do NOT have school this Monday due to Labor Day. 
-The KSE Foundation's Support the Pride fundraiser begins next Tuesday.
-Please make sure you return your child's field trip permission form as soon as possible for our in school field trip on October 5th.
- Picture day is coming up! September 19th. More information can be found on the King Springs home page. 
- You can continue to order Scholastic books online or by sending the form back in to me until September 30th. 

What we are learning:
Phonics: One syllable words
Grammar: Irregular plural nouns 
Reading: We are wrapping up finding meaning in a book through illustrations and words, and beginning to learn about asking and answering questions while reading. 
Math: We will be comparing numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to signs. 
Writing: Continuing with our personal narratives
Content: We are wrapping up Georgia regions and learning about healthy choices for health (such as healthy food and good hygiene). 

Spelling Words: cry, go, she, fly, we, so, baby, robot
High Frequency Words: because, done, don’t, know, once, together