Friday, December 14, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday!

*Our Ballet field trip was scheduled for December 4th but got moved to February 14th. We will see Beauty And The Beast.*
December 18th- We will head off to the Safety Village!
December 19th- We will have a Germ Quest lesson from Wellstar (at school)
December 20th- Our holiday party and an early release day! Keep an eye out for more information from our fabulous room mom.
December 21st- Early Release
December 24-January 4th- No School!

Reminders & Announcements:
- Don't forget to fill in those Six Flags reading logs! The minutes can be from the nightly reading your kids do for homework.
- Check the club dates for any clubs your child attends. Clubs have started ending.
- Please remember to send your child with a snack everyday. We are so fortunate that many parents in our class have been sending in extra class snack.

What will next week look like?
Next week we'll be reviewing many of reading standards. We'll compare and contrast books to movies and work on classifying the parts, sequence and point of view. We will also do some fun science and STEM.
Monday- Grinch Day! Wear green!
Tuesday- Safety Village- please remember to wear close toed shoes and jackets. If your child is not buying Chick-Fil-A they may get a sack lunch from school or you can send them with a lunch from home. If you send a lunch from home everything must be able to be thrown away after lunch - brown paper bags and ziplocks work great for this
Wednesday- Polar Express Day! Wear your PJs
Thursday- Holiday Party & early release
Friday- Sing-a-long & early release


Friday, December 7, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! I've updated the King Springs December Madness calendar for you below...

*Our Ballet field trip was scheduled for December 4th but got moved to February 14th. We will see Beauty And The Beast.*
December 11th- We will have our Fire Safety pre-visit. This is when somebody from the Safety Village will come to us and discuss what we will be learning and give the kiddos some background information
December 18th- We will head off to the Safety Village!
December 19th- We will have a Germ Quest lesson from Wellstar (at school)
December 20th- Our holiday party and an early release day! Keep an eye out for more information from our fabulous room mom.
December 21st- Early Release
December 24-January 4th- No School!

Please help remind your kiddo that while we will be having lots of fun over these next two weeks, we still have lots of learning to do and need to remain on our best behavior. We cannot do the fun stuff if we do not get our work done.

Reminders & Announcements:
- I will submit the Scholastic order to get books in time for the holidays this afternoon
- We'll go to the Learning Commons to get new books on Tuesday next week
- Don't forget to fill in those Six Flags reading logs! The minutes can be from the nightly reading your kids do for homework.
- Check the club dates for any clubs your child attends. Clubs have started ending.
- Please remember to send your child with a snack everyday. We are so fortunate that many parents in our class have been sending in extra class snack.
- Our upper grades Target kiddos are during a fundraiser to help the education system in Malawi. On December 14th your kiddo can pay $1 to wear a hat and support the fundraiser
- Friday, December 14th is our next STEM day! Please send your kiddo to school in their STEM shirt

What we're learning:
Reading: Learning about holidays around the world
Grammar: Review from quarter 2
Phonics: variant vowel /oo/ sounds (ie: blue, moody, dew)
Writing: Finishing up our husky informationals
Math: Finishing up measurement word problems and working on line plots
Content: Starting on Stars


Friday, November 30, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! I hope you all have a fun and relaxing weekend ahead. It can be difficult coming back after a long break! We have had a rough time with behavior (especially controlling our talking)  and getting back into the groove this week.

We have so much going on in December:
*Our Ballet field trip was scheduled for December 4th but got moved to February 14th. We will see Beauty And The Beast.*
December 4th- We will have a different lunch and specials schedule to accommodate a Skype session happening in other classes. Lunch will be 10:56-11:26 on this day
December 6th - We will have a different specials time to see the 5th grade performance (lunch will be normal)
December 7th- We will have our Skype visit with the Denali sled dog team. We will have lunch in the classroom that day do to the timing
December 11th- We will have our Fire Safety pre-visit. This is when somebody from the Safety Village will come to us and discuss what we will be learning and give the kiddos some background information
December 18th- We will head off to the Safety Village!
December 19th- We will have a Germ Quest lesson from Wellstar (at school)
December 20th- Our holiday party and an early release day! Keep an eye out for more information from our fabulous room mom.
December 21st- Early Release
December 24-January 4th- No School!

Woo! I think I covered everything! We are going to be so busy! Please help remind your kiddo that while we will be having lots of fun over these next three weeks, we still have lots of learning to do and need to remain on our best behavior. We cannot do the fun stuff if we do not get our work done.

Reminders & Announcements:
- I will submit the Scholastic order to get books in time for the holidays next Friday
- Please make sure to get the Safety Village permission slips back as soon as possible
- Next Monday I will be here but not with the kids. The school is providing us with a sub for the day so that we can make sure we get all the DRAs (reading level assessments) done for the next report card
- The kiddos will be going to the Learning Commons to get new books on Monday next week instead of Tuesday
- Don't forget to fill in those Six Flags reading logs! The minutes can be from the nightly reading your kid's do for homework.
- Check the club dates for any clubs your child attends. Clubs are starting to end next week.
- Next Wednesday, December 5th is Walk To School Wednesday

What we're learning:
Math: measurement
Reading: Review of reading standards we've covered this quarter
Writing: Husky informational
Grammar: Prefix/Suffix
Phonics: diphthong ou (ie: wow, outfit, brown, clown)
Content: Force and motion


any, because, change, follow, great, home, land, little, and, been

Hopefully I've remembered everything. Thank you for hanging in there for this extra long update! 

Friday, November 16, 2018

After Thanksgiving break in M3...

Happy Friday! Thanks for hanging in there this month - between a nasty viral illness and today's fun adventure it sure has been a full month. Here's everybody having an amazing break and a healthy December for us all!

Announcements & Reminders:
- With holiday's approaching I will do an early Scholastic order this month so that you can have books ordered as gifts if you would like. Lets say December 7th as my order date so there is plenty of time for those books to arrive. Please let me know ahead of time if the books need to be kept a surprise and I can arrange a way to get them to you. Code: RBZR3
- Thank you so much to all who donated to our Cranberry day. Unfortunately we were unable to do the activities today. Most of the items will keep until after the break and we will do a modified tasting after the break.
- No school November 19th-23rd
- I've added some more mystery read dates:

What we're learning:
Math: measurement
Grammar: root words
Reading: asking and answering questions
Phonics: one- and two-syllable words digraph oy and oi (ie: loyal, rejoice)
Writing: Husky informational
Content: Pushes and pulls

people, or, some, them, this, use, were, will, you, also  

Friday, November 9, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Can you believe it's already almost Thanksgiving? This year has flown by!

Reminders & Announcements:
- I will submit our next Scholastic book order next Friday.
- There is NO school November 19th-23rd
- Yearbooks are now available for purchase. Prices will increase after December 31st.  Enter order #20880
- Flu season is upon us! Please be sure to take a look at the email I sent out from our wonderful school nurses.
- The book fair will be at the K-1 campus all next week
- Next Thursday is Sparkles spirit night
- Next Thursday is also our class Thanksgiving lunch! From 11:51-12:31. Please be sure to send back the slip letting me know how many guest will attend so our cafeteria can have enough food. Directly after lunch please join us back in our classroom for a short Thanksgiving skit!
- Next Friday we will have Cranberry Day. Kiddos will get to taste and experiment with cranberries. Please check out the sign up genius to see if you're able to donate any items.
- Please make sure your child brings a snack each day. I am almost out of snacks to give the kids who forget one.

What we're learning:
Math: one and two step word problems along with telling time
Reading: Author's purpose
Writing: Finishing up our pumpkin informational
Grammar: Possessive nouns
Phonics: r controlled ai, r   (ie: stair, lair, prepare, bear)
Content: Tomochichi

be, can, do, for, has, his, into, look, more, number 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Next Week In M3...

I apologize for the late posting. I have been out sick the last couple of days but will be back Monday.

Reminders & Announcements:
- There will be no school on Tuesday November 6th
- Our Thanksgiving lunch will be on November 15th from 11:51-12:31. I will get letters home to you on Monday with the slip to sign and return if you are able to make it.
- Our 2nd grade performance will be held at Life Church at 6:30pm. Please have your kiddo there in nice school clothes by 6:15pm.
- Thank you to all the parents who donated items or their time to our Pumpkin Day on Wednesday! We all had such a great time.

What we're learning:
Math: Strategies for adding and subtracting within 100 and starting two step word problems.
Reading: Author's point
Writing: Pumpkin informational writing
Grammar: Contractions
Phonics: r controlled syllable pattern (chirp, learn, worth, burn)
Content: James Oglethorpe and Mary Musgrove then moving onto Tomochichi

air, answer, back, came, even, good, high, know, line, an 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Happy Friday! It is getting cold, fast (what happened to Fall??). Please make sure your kiddo comes to school with the appropriate clothing to play outside.

Reminders & Announcements:
- I had a few Scholastic orders earlier this month that I went ahead and ordered. I will still put in another on the 31st if we get more orders in. 
- On Tuesday we will be having a DEA visit again. This was a super cool experience for the kids last year!
- Pumpkin Day is next Wednesday. Thank you so much to all who have sent in items/volunteered their time. The kids are going to love this!
- Tomorrow is KSE Spirit Day at Grub Burger
- Your child can dress up as their favorite book character next Wednesday with the donation of $5 :

October 31st will be Jr. Beta Club’s Book Character Dress-Up Day fundraiser for hurricane relief. Students must pay $5 in order to participate. The class with the most will get a tasty treat! We will collect the money Oct. 29-31st.

What we're learning:
Reading- making connections
Writing- informational- pumpkins
Math- adding and subtracting within 100- focus on expanded form
Grammar- Reflexive pronouns
Phonics- r controlled o syllable patterns (ie: born, worn, pour)
Content- finishing Creek and Cherokee and moving into James Oglethorpe and Mary Musgrove

Spelling Words:

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Wednesday! As I prepare to leave town I wanted to go ahead and get you all the information for next week as I am not sure what my internet connection will be like for the rest of the week. I am going to miss the kiddos so much Thursday and Friday. Please help remind them to be on their very best behavior for our wonderful guest teacher.

Reminder & Announcements:
- Our next Scholastic order will be put in on October 31st.
- Next Tuesday is parent math night. Please see the attached flyer for details
- We still really need donations and volunteers for Pumpkin Day to be successful
- Door decor sign ups are still open
- Next week is Red Ribbon Week
KSE Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 22 – 26, 2018
“Life is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free”

Monday –“Life is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free”
Participation: Wear as much red as possible

Tuesday – “I have better things to do than drugs.”
Participation: Wear “what they do” such as a scout uniform, their team jersey, club
shirt/mascot, musical note on shirt, etc.

Wednesday – “Put a cap on drugs.”
Participation: Crazy hat or crazy hair day

Thursday – “Drugs are ridiculous.”
Participation: Wear mis-matched or ridiculous outfits

Friday – “Heroes are Drug Free.”
Participation: Dress as a hero

Thank you again for sharing this most important message with our kids!

KSE PTA Red Ribbon Week committee

What we're learning:
Math: addition and subtraction strategies within 20
Reading: Making connections
Writing: Informative
Content: Continuing with Creek and Cherokee with drug and alcohol prevention
Phonics: r controlled a syllable patterns (ie: smart, scar, spark, carpet)
Grammar: reflexive pronouns

Spelling Words:

Friday, October 12, 2018

Next Week In M3....

There will be NO phonics (spelling test) next week due to early release all week!

Reminders & Announcements:
- I will submit our next Scholastic reading order next week.
Code: RBZR3
- All of next week is early release! Please be sure to send in a note if your child will go home differently
- I will be out on Thursday and Friday of next week. Please help remind your kiddos to be on their best behavior. I know they will make me so proud!
- 2nd grade Parent Math Night will be October 23rd at 5:30pm
- Pumpkin Day will be October 31st. We still need volunteers.
-We still have one more mystery reader slot open
- We also still have slots open for our door decoration
- The week of October 22nd is Red Ribbon Week! We will have something special going on each day.
KSE Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 22 – 26, 2018
“Life is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free”

Monday –“Life is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free”
Participation: Wear as much red as possible

Tuesday – “I have better things to do than drugs.”
Participation: Wear “what they do” such as a scout uniform, their team jersey, club
shirt/mascot, musical note on shirt, etc.

Wednesday – “Put a cap on drugs.”
Participation: Crazy hat or crazy hair day

Thursday – “Drugs are ridiculous.”
Participation: Wear mis-matched or ridiculous outfits

Friday – “Heroes are Drug Free.”
Participation: Dress as a hero

Thank you again for sharing this most important message with our kids!
KSE PTA Red Ribbon Week committee

What we're learning:
Content: Cherokee and Creek 
Grammar: Pronouns
Reading: Poetry 
Math: Adding and subtracting two digit numbers 
Writing: Friendly letter and How To writing 

Reminder: There is NO SPELLING this week

Friday, October 5, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! We all made it through the first week back from fall break. I know many (including me) had a hard time turning those alarms back on.

Reminders & Announcements:
- We have our in-school field trip next Wednesday. If you have not sent back your child's permission slip please do so by Monday. I am happy to send home another copy if needed
- I am starting my conferences next week. I will send your kiddo home wearing a reminder bracelet the day before your conference.
- I will submit our next Scholastic book order on October 31st. Thank you so much to those of you who are ordering! We are getting so many free books to support our learning
- The Fall Festival is this Sunday! Come see me in Trunk Or Treat along with many other familiar second grade faces. You can find more information on the PTA website
- Next Thursday the 11th is an early release day. Please be sure to send in a note if your child will be going home differently
- The second grade team will be hosting a parent math night on October 23rd at 5:30pm. More details to come
- We will be doing a pumpkin day on October 31st! I will send out a sign up genius for supplies and volunteers. I have already had a couple of people let me know that they would like to volunteer and I have those names written down.
- We still have some mystery reader slots open

What we're learning -
Math- Money word problems and moving into adding and subtracting with 100
Reading- Poetry
Grammar-  Collective nouns and quarter one review
Phonics- Long I digraph (fright, tie, design)
Content- Cherokee and Creek Indians
Writing- creative writing

Spelling words:

another, away, boy, end, give, here, kind, letter, all, at

Friday, September 21, 2018

Fall Break!

Happy Friday! I can't believe we're already at fall break!

Reminders & Announcements:
- There is no school next week! Enjoy your break.
- I will submit our next Scholastic book order on 10/31
- Stay tuned for more details about our parent math night on 10/23
- When we get back form break be on the look out for a letter about your scheduled conference time. Please let me know if the time I have scheduled for you does not work. I am starting conferences early due to leaving town during conference week.
- The whole week of October 15th will be early release
- Please be sure to sign and return your child's field trip permission form! October 10th will be here before we know it!
- I've added mystery reader slots to take us all the way to Thanksgiving -

What we're learning:
Math-Money and money word problems
Reading- Context clues
Writing- Finishing up and polishing our narratives
Content- Matter
Grammar- Irregular plural nouns
Phonics- long e digraph

Spelling words:

I've updated our Amazon wishlist with some items we would love in our classroom :)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday!

Reminders & Announcements:
- I will submit our next Scholastic order on 9/21 (next Friday). Class code: RBZR3
- A field trip form came home with your child today! This will be a super fun in school field trip. Please get those signed and returned as soon as possible.
- There will be NO SCHOOL the week of September 24th for Fall Break
- Don't forget the Support The Pride is going on now! Help Springer reach his crown!

What we're learning:
Math: Word problems
Reading: Finishing up how characters respond and moving into context clues
Grammar: Irregular plural nouns
Phonics: long O digraph
Writing: Continuing our narrative writing
Content: More matter!

as, by, day, find, go, her, if, like, many, not

Friday, September 7, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! I made a mistake on the homework this week- the kids are not responsible for doing the "Friday" homework. Sorry, the short week threw me off.

Reminders & Annoucements:
- Our first Scholastic order should be here this afternoon. I will send home the orders on Monday. Our next order will be submitted on 9/21
- Monday is picture day! Our picture time is first thing in the morning so please send your child in the clothes you want them to wear in their photo. If needed, I will allow them to change after the picture.
- Movie night is tonight at the K-1 campus
- Support The Pride is going on now! Help Springer reach his crown to support our amazing school!
- Fall Festival is October 7th. You can buy tickets on the PTA website
- Please be sure to send back your kiddos permission slip for our performing arts field trip. We've got some time but I'd like to get them all as soon as possible.
- We will be hosting a parent math night in October. Stay tuned for details!

From the PTA:
More information about all of these events is available on the PTA website,

What we're learning:
Reading: How characters respond
Writing: Continuing our narrative
Math: Continuing to learn addition and subtraction strategies. Moving into word problems.
Grammar: Irregular plural nouns
Phonics: Long a digraph
Content: Matter (one of my favorites!)


Wish List:
Over the ear headphones (Target Dollar Spot has some great ones)
Baby Wipes

Friday, August 31, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday!

Announcements & Reminders:
- I submitted out first Scholastic book order this morning! Thanks to all who ordered. We have lots of free books headed to our room! Once the individual orders arrive I will split it up and send it home with your kiddo. Our next order will be submitted on 9/21 (a little early due to fall break).
- NO SCHOOL MONDAY! Due to Labor Day there will be no school.
- Movie night is at the K-1 campus on September 7th! Head over to the PTA website to pre-order food and drinks for your family.
- Support the Pride fundraiser officially kicks off on Sept. 4th! Information went home with your kiddo yesterday.
- Picture day is on Sept. 10th! Packets for photo orders came home today
- Please remember to send back the performing arts permission slip for your child

What we're learning:
Math- Learning strategies for addition and subtraction within 20 
Reading- Asking and answering questions
Writing- How to write a narrative
Grammar- Common and proper noun review
Phonics- Open syllables
Content- Finishing up regions and rivers and eating healthy

Wish list:
Baby Wipes
Band aids
Over the ear headphones

Spelling Words:

Friday, August 24, 2018

Next Week In M3...

How is August already almost over?? This year is flying by! I loved getting to see you all at Open House on Wednesday. Thank you so much for taking the time to come see our classroom. The kids were thrilled to see their letters from you on Thursday morning.

Reminders & Annoucements:
- I will submit our Scholastic book order next Friday! We've had lots of orders already which means lots of free books for our classroom! Thanks for all who have ordered. I know your kiddos are going to love the books you've chosen. I have told a couple of parents, you can look up books that are on your child's individual reading level on the website if you are specifically looking for that.
- Next Wednesday is early release! Please be sure to send in a note for different transportation
- KSE night at the Braves order deadline has been extended! You can order until 8/31
-Please sign and return the performing arts form that went home. This is your child's permission slip to go to see The Nutcracker in December.
- 8/27 is the last day to enter the VIP Parking raffle
- There will be a meeting in the 2-5 Learning Commons on 9/6 at 6:30pm to update on the rebuild
- There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday 9/3
- Tonight is spirit night at Monterrey Mexican Restaurant! 20% of all dine in and take out orders will go back to our PTA

What we're learning:
Reading: Finishing up story structure and moving into using illustrations and words to better understand the story
Writing: Learning how to write a narrative - focusing on powerful beginnings this week
Grammar: Using mentor sentences to continue learning about proper nouns (focus on places ie: store = Target)
Phonics: CVCe words
Math: Comparing numbers with place value review and learning how to show numbers in different ways (written form, number form, expanded *507 + 500 + 0 + 7 and base ten blocks)
Content: Finishing up Georgia regions and learning the rivers of Georgia

*Spelling starts next week. I will send home a spelling choice board on Monday with the homework. The choice board is not required but it is great practice. They can reuse the same board each week. Keep in mind that these words may be very easy at first and will get more difficult as we go.


Wish List-
Over the ear headphones for listen to reading  during Daily 5 (I got a pair from the Dollar Spot at Target that seem to work great for $5)
Baby wipes

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mystery Reader Sign Up

I have added the first few dates for our weekly mystery reader! It's such a fun surprise that the kids look forward to each week. You are welcome to bring a book (or two) or your child can choose one from out library.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Open House Schedule

Open House is this Wednesday!

Open House will begin at 6:30pm with a broadcast from the Learning Commons (media center). There will be two classroom sessions with the first from 7:00pm-7:30pm and the second frrom 7:35pm-8:00pm.

*Target will host their session at 5:30pm in the Learning Commons

If you cannot attend either session please let me know and I will send home the papers we go over with your child.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday, Parents!

Reminders & Announcements
- I will submit our Scholastic Book order on 8/31. Class code: RBZR3
- Next Wednesday is Open House starting at 6:30 (schedule to come). Target Open House will be at 5:30 the Learning Commons. If you cannot make it please let me know and I will send home any documents.
- The deadline for the PTA parking raffle is 8/27
- 8/29 is an early release day! If your child will have different transportation please be sure to send in a note.
- We had our Learning Commons orientation today and got to check out books! From here on out unless we have a schedule conflict we will go to the Learning Commons for a story and new books every Tuesday. Students can keep their books for two weeks before having to return/renew them but if they are ready for new books each week then they can go ahead!
- As new clubs begin please remember to send in a note on the days your child will go to a club

What we're learning:
Math: Skip counting
Reading: How to describe the overall structure of a story (beginning, middle, & end)
Writing: We will begin learning how to write a narrative
Content: Georgia regions
Grammar: Using mentor sentences to recognize proper nouns

Friday, August 10, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Week 2 is complete! We're having so much fun learning together!

Announcements & Reminders:
- Scholastic book catalogs were sent home today along with a letter explaining how to purchase books online. The more books you order for your kiddos the more FREE books we receive for our classroom! I will submit an order each month. Our class code is: RBZR3
- Please remember to send your child with a healthy snack that is peanut/tree nut free each day
- Open House is currently scheduled for August 22nd at 6:30pm (Target Open House will be held in the learning commons before at 5:30pm).
- Homework is due every Friday however I do a quick check each morning to be sure students are understanding the material and doing their homework
- Clubs start next week! Please remember to send in a note on club days as teachers do not receive club rosters and I want to make sure all the kids get to the right place
- If you did not get a form this week for the King Springs Night at the Braves please let me know so I can get you one
- PTA is holding a drawing for 2 premium reserved parking spaces at KSE events! Please let me know if you need an order form.

What we're learning:
Math: Continuing with place value
Reading: We will continue to learn and practice our Daily 5 routine
Writing: Retelling at story using details and sequence
Grammar: Using mentor sentences to discover capitalization
Content: Wrapping up rules and leaders and moving on to Georgia regions

Friday, August 3, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! Our first three days together have been so much fun. This is going to be a great year! Ask your child what they did with toothpaste this week. 😊

Thank you SO much to all who have already donated to our classroom! You're all amazing and I feel so blessed.

- If you have not, please sign up for our class Dojo. I can send you a code if you no longer have one.
- I am working on getting my email distribution list together and you will hear from me soon
- We will have PE on Tuesday. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes/sneakers
- We do eat snack everyday. Please send your child with a healthy snack to eat. I have been trying to wait until about 10am for snack each day as our lunch is later than they are used to.
- Please do not send your child with a  snack that contains peanuts/tree nuts or peanut butter.

What we're learning:
We will continue getting to know each other but we're also going to dive into our standards.
Math: We will finish up graphs and get started on place value
Writing: Writer's Workshop: What Do Writer's Do?
Reading: Learning our Daily 5 routines
Grammar: Reviewing nouns
Content: Finishing up rules/laws and starting on elected officials

The only homework to worry about for now is the All About Me bag. I will let you know when we are going to start nightly homework.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

First Day Of Second Grade!

Welcome to Second Grade! I am so excited to have your kiddos in my class this year.

If you did not bring supplies on Monday please send them to school with your child on Wednesday.

If you did not scan the QR code and enter your contact information please follow the link below and add your information.

I had many of you ask about a wish list for the class so I have also attached the link to my classroom Amazon wish list. I frequently update this list throughout the year with things we need in the classroom. I will also post miscellaneous items that we use throughout the year on the here.

It seems that some of our Dojo codes went home with the wrong kiddos! Please check to make sure your child's name is at the top of the paper you took. If your child had a Dojo account last year, you should already have an invite from me when you log in. If you are new to Dojo this year I will send you an invite as soon as I get your email.

Please make sure you send in your child's transportation on a written note if you did not give it to me on Monday.

We had a slight change in lunch time from what is in the handbook! Lunch is 12:32-1:02.
Tomorrow we will have STEM, Thursday we will have art and Friday we will have PE.

This week we will spend time getting to know each other and learning/practicing school rules.

I will update my blog each Friday afternoon with information regarding the coming week. I am looking forward to a great year!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Next Week In M3...

It's the last blog post for the year and I'm a little sad about it. Thank you all for an amazing year. and for such a thoughtful gift. These kids have taught me so much this year and I cannot wait to watch them continue their journey through King Springs.

On Monday we will be watching Wonder! Your child may bring a pillow and small blanket to lay on while we watch the movie.

Next week is a short week! Monday is a full day of school and Tuesday and Wednesday are half days. Students should bring their backpacks on Monday only. Please do not send them with a backpack on Tuesday or Wednesday. On Wednesday it is a county rule that the kids cannot take anything home on the bus with them.

Please, please write a note for any transportation changes! I cannot accept these changes through email. 

I have started sending home their notebooks and folders today. Yesterday I sent home the math workbooks for second grade. These would be awesome practice over the summer if you would like to use them - what kid doesn't want to do school work during their break?? On that note, I highly encourage you all to continue reading with you child for at least 20 minutes each day of the summer. The kiddos have had a lesson on how to log their minutes on Biblionasium for the summer reading competition.

I hope you all have a fantastic summer together!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! I have a short post for you today.

-Monday is our field trip to the Art Barn. Please encourage your kiddo to keep up the same great behavior that they showed at Safety Village. Please remember that the kids can either bring a lunch from home for the field trip or they will get a sack lunch to take from school.

-Awards ceremony is next week in our classroom from 9:30am-10:00am next Friday. You are welcome to come and watch your child accept their certificate(s). Every student will receive at least one award.  If your child got a yearbook, the kids will have some time to get those signed on Friday. I have also made booklets for the kids in case they do not have a yearbook that they can get signatures from their peers.

-The book report t-shirts should be worn to school on March 21st.

-Next week will be all review from the year and preparing the kiddos for THIRD grade!

- Thank you so much to all of you for making me feel so spoiled and very appreciated this week! I am blessed to teach your children and thankful for you all.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Next Week

What an awesome field day! We are now Tug Of War champions! I am very proud of the sportsmanship shown by the majority of our kiddos!

Reminders & Announcements:
- Next Thursday is our trip to the Safety Village. If you did not purchase Chick-Fil-A for your child please remember to send a lunch from home with them as we will not be at school.
- I will submit our very last Scholastic order next Friday. I want ensure the books get here before school is out. Now is a great time to stock up for summer reading.  Our class code is RBZR3
- Monday is New Name day! The kids will choose a new name to sport for the day

What we're learning:
reading: asking and answering questions
writing: finishing our informational
grammar: review from the year
math: word problems within 1000 and money word problems
content: chicken and dog life cycles

Friday, April 27, 2018

Next Week in M3...

Reminders & Announcements:
- Monday is I! I is inside out day! Wear your clothes inside out.
- Today was the last day that our book fair is up at the school, however you can continue to shop online until the 27th.
- Don't forget to get those pledges for our Fun Run coming up next week!
- Next Thursday will be busy! We have our Safety Village pre-visit AND our Fun Run for the boosterthon. Please have your child wear athletic clothing and sunscreen. 
- Next Friday is FIELD DAY! Please make sure your kids are wearing athletic clothing (shoes included), sunscreen, have a water bottle, a towel and a change of clothes if they would like to change after the water activities.
- If you have not sent back the form/envelope or field trip permission forms yet please please please do so ASAP

What we're learning:
Math: Adding and subtracting within 1000 and explaining the steps taken to get to your answer
Reading: Comparing and contrasting informational text
Writing: Informational about life cycles
Grammar: Context clues
Content: Frog and butterfly life cycles


Friday, April 20, 2018

Next Week In M3....

Monday is D! D is for Dancing! We'll have a dance party at school! No need to wear anything special or send anything in. 😊

Announcements & Reminders:
- The Book Fair is here! Starting next week students will be able to go buy books in the morning before school and I believe there will be after school times as well. I will update you when I hear! This year there is also an option to buy your books online! I have also made a wish list for our class.
- If you have not sent back your child's field trip permission forms yet, PLEASE do so ASAP.
- On the note, please please please send back that large manila envelope with three stamps on it and the form inside completed. If you have sent back your envelope with no stamps I have emailed you to please send in stamps. With no envelope or no stamps you will have to come pick up your child's report card from the front office over the summer.
- I know we are all very excited and ready for summer but please help remind your child that school is not out yet. This week has been rough with behavior. We have many exciting activities coming up for the end of the year and I have told the students already that they can lose the privilege to participate in those activities based on their behavior. 
- Next week on Wednesday we will do some planting in the garden! Please send your child in clothes that can a little dirty.
- We also have our author visit next Wednesday

A reminder from the PTA:
Did you volunteer for any PTA Event this year? If so, then come Eat, Drink, and be Super at our PTA Volunteer Appreciation Night this Sunday! Your RSVP is requested. Please follow this link for details and RSVP information. (Mobile-friendly link) Thank you! 
-This week we moved our caterpillars into their net so we can watch them emerge into butterflies. We also introduced the kids to our eggs! We get to watch the eggs hatch before school is out. 
Coming soon: A tadpole! 

What we're learning:
Reading- Comparing and contrasting two texts on the same topic
Grammar- Context clues
Writing- Informational about life cycles
Math- Adding and subtracting within 1000
Content- Life Cycles- plants


easy, squeaky, needy, gloomy, snoopy, goofy, jerky, thirsty, wormy

Air, don't, near, thought, took, went   

Friday, April 13, 2018

Next Week In M3...

It's been a great week back! We've had to be really quiet due to testing around the school and the kiddos have been awesome! Only one more week of testing to go.

Can you believe that we're almost at the end of the school year already??

Please help me welcome our new friend Prathyuktha! She's already made friends with everybody in our class and we love having her!

Thank you to Mrs. Davis for coming and helping us plant some seeds for our garden this morning!

Reminders and announcements:
- We will be holding an end of the year awards celebration on May 18th in our classroom from 9:30-10:00. Please stay tuned for more details or changes while we get this planned.
- Please send in those field trip permission forms as soon as possible! I have gotten quite a few back already.
- Our next scholastic order will be submitted on the 30th. Class code: RBZR3
*Every time you order we get free books for our classroom!
- We got our butterfly larvae in today! We are so excited to watch them grow. Lots of exciting things are going to happen with our life cycles unit in the coming weeks.
- Don't forget to sign up to be a mystery reader - we only have a couple dates left!
- We will continue our adjusted lunch and specials schedule while the upper grades are testing next week.

A note from our PE coaches:
The Jump Rope for Heart Thank You Assembly will be at the 2-5 Campus on Friday, April 20th.  It will be in the gym during their Block Specials time.  Thank you for supporting this years event!


Coach Chester & Coach Pat

What we're learning:
Writing- Continuing our personal narratives
Grammar- proper noun review
Math- arrays
Reading- Author's purpose
Content- Finishing up economics with the 8 allocations



Sunday, April 8, 2018

Welcome Back!

I am back and so excited to see all the kiddos tomorrow morning!

As promised I've attached a wedding picture!

Announcements and Reminders:
-Tomorrow is PJ day! Please allow your child to wear a pair of school appropriate PJs to school.
- 3rd-5th grade will start their milestone testing on Tuesday April 10th through the 17th. We will have our lunch at 10:48-11:18 in place of our regular time and specials 12:20-12:50.
- I will submit another scholastic order on April 30th
- Crafty Hog spirit night on April 10th!
- We are having an author visit on April 25th

The notes that the sub left me about behavior were not great. We will spend a few minutes discussing appropriate school behavior in the morning. The sub did leave a list of student names who were on their best behavior and those students will be rewarded.

What we're learning:
Phonics: words with "er/or"
Grammar: prefix, suffix, root words
Reading: Author's purpose (persuade, inform, entertain)
Math: Odd/Even numbers and introduction to arrays
Writing: Personal Narratives
Content: economics (goods/services, needs/wants)



Friday, March 23, 2018

Next Week In M3...

One more week until Spring Break! I hope you're all planning on doing something fun and as well lots of relaxing! I have talked to the kids about about the behavior I expect when I am gone at the end of next week but please help remind them that even when I am not here they should do the right thing.
I also promised the kids that I will email a photo from the wedding to you all so be on the lookout! 👀😊

Reminders & Announcements:
-Yearbook order deadline was extended to March 27th!
-At the end of next week your child will come home with a reading challenge that they can complete over the break. It is not required however there will be a prize for those who complete it

What we're learning:
Reading: Finishing main topic
Math: Partitioning shapes
Grammar: Irregular past-tense verbs
Writing: Finishing up our dream spring break vacation brochures
Content: Finishing up Jimmy Carter



Friday, March 16, 2018

Next Week In M3...

I am blown away by the incredible behavior in our classroom today! With all the leprechaun craziness the kids were awesome.

Announcements & Reminders:
- Water bottles have become a huge distraction in our classroom. From now on if your student brings a water bottle to class they must keep it on the sink in our room. If they continue to be a distraction I will ban them completely.
- Our scholastic book order for this month is due on March 19th so I can get them ordered before I leave for my wedding.
Class code: RBZR3
- Yearbook order deadline is March 22nd! I sent home another flyer with the order information earlier this week.
- Don't forget to sign up to be a mystery reader! We love having you come! There is still 1 slot open before spring break.
- If you are sending in STEM project supplies please have it in by March 26th. I will be doing the STEM project that Monday and Tuesday since I will be out later in the week.

What we're learning:
Math- Shapes! This is a fun standard for the kids.
Grammar- Past tense-verbs
Writing- Opinion writing on your dream spring break vacation
Reading- Finding the main topic
Content- Jimmy Carter



Friday, March 9, 2018

Next Week

Next week the children will be building a leprechaun trap for homework and bringing it to school with them Friday morning. I wonder if we'll catch one!

We will be doing a STEM activity the week before spring break that will include our standards for money, reading and measurement. I have sent home a sheet today will items we are requesting.

- Our scholastic book order for this month is due on March 19th so I can get them ordered before I leave for my wedding.
Class code: RBZR3
- Yearbook order deadline is March 22nd! I sent home another flyer with the order information earlier this week.
- Don't forget to sign up to be a mystery reader! We love having you come! There are still two slots open before spring break.
-Muffins with Mom is next week for 2-5 campus from 7:15-7:45. March 15th A-L and March 16 M-Z

What we're learning:
Math: Continued practice with adding and subtracting money up to $10 and review from the quarter
Reading: Review of reading skills from this quarter
Writing: Working on one more opinion writing for this quarter
Grammar: Review of grammar skills from this nine weeks
Content: Sun and stars with a fun constellation activity



Friday, March 2, 2018

Next Week In M3...

It has been a great week back with the kids!

- Our next Scholastic Order will be submitted on March 19th! Please note that this is earlier than usually because I will be out for my wedding right before spring break and want to make sure the kids get their books!
- Yearbook order deadline is March 22!
- Sign up to be a mystery reader!

What we're learning:
Reading: Continuing with point of view
Writing: Finishing our What Pet Should I Get writing
Grammar: More simple and compound sentences
Math: Solving word problems with money
Content: Stars



As our spelling gets more difficult please make sure your kiddos are practicing the words at home as well.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Enjoy your winter break!

I am so sad to have missed out on this week with the kids. Thank you so much for the kind messages wishing me well and all the sweet valentines! We're going to have a second mini Valentine's Day when I return so I can give the kiddos their valentines from me.

Please take some time over the break to wash your kid's backpack, lunch box, hat, coat. scarf, etc. This flu is no fun!

- If you did not send in your child's Six Flags reading log today I will take them the Monday we return from break. They must be turned in by then or they will not count.
- I'll be submitting our class Scholastic order on the 28th
- March 1st will be class picture day
- Our first week back will be Read Across America Week! Please refer to the flyer for dress up days!

What we're learning:
Reading- Point of view 
Grammar- simple and compound sentences 
Writing- Continuing with opinion writing on our favorite seasons
Math- 1 and 2 step word problems along with counting money (coins and bills)
Content- We will keep learning about Juliette Gordon Low and dental health 

*We will spend some time catching up on what we missed this week as well

cherry pie
fire drill
high school

it's large

Friday, February 9, 2018

Next Week In M3...

We had so much fun with our Jackie Robinson STEM project today! 3 of our 4 baseball tees were a success! Thanks for all the donations!

- Please don't forget to sign up to send in items for our Poetry Cafe next week:
- Six Flags reading logs are due next Friday (February 16th)
- Next week is school-wide Kindness Week! Please help me by encouraging your child to write compliments to all our peers (not just their BFFs). Students can drop compliments in our box throughout the day and I will read them out loud at the end of the day
- In addition to our Poetry Cafe on Wednesday we will exchange valentines. I will have bags for the kids to decorate to hold their valentines that morning. Please make sure your child has a valentine to each classmate if they chose to bring some.
- We need volunteers to help our Relay For Life team sell emoji key chains:
- I will submit our class Scholastic order on the 28th

What we're learning:
Math: We will continue working on word problems within 1000
Reading: Asking and answering questions
Writing: Continue working on our Caldecott writings
Grammar: Using commas effectivly in letters
Content: We are moving on to Juliette Gordon Low



Friday, February 2, 2018

Next Week In M3...

Happy Friday! 
This has been a great week in M3! Thank you to Mrs. Davis (Khronus' mom) for coming to teach us a little bit about plants and gardening today! This will come in handy a little later this year. 

Lots of little reminders this week - I promise it's worth the read!
- Sign up to come be our Mystery Reader
- Don't forget to order those yearbooks!
- I will submit our next Scholastic order on 2/28! Don't forget to use our class code: RBZR3
- I have sent home a class list with your child today! Please make sure your child brings a Valentine for each classmate. I will have bags for them to decorate that morning to hold their Valentines. 
- We will also be doing a Poetry Cafe to celebrate Black History Month on Valentine's Day. I have created a sign up genius for you all to send in yummy treats for the kiddos to eat during our cafe - more information to come on this! Be on the look out in your child's folder next Monday.
- Next Friday (February 9th) we will have a STEM day! We will be creating a baseball tee and testing them out! If anybody has any of the follow items laying around to donate, it would be greatly appreciated; empty bottles, shoe boxes, paper towel rolls, wrapping paper rolls, etc. We're really looking for materials that can be recycled. 
- We are running very low on Clorox wipes and Lysol and would love some donations! We've been wiping down our tables every morning and afternoon to try and keep the germs away. 

What we're learning:
Reading: Finishing up compare and contrasting stories 
Grammar: Shades of meaning - adjectives and verbs 
Math: We will review our CUBES strategy and dive back into word problems 
Writing: Continuing with our Caldecott Award opinion writing
Content: Finishing up Jackie Robinson 



Friday, January 26, 2018

Next week in M3...

Our first full week of school in quite some time has come to an end! I am constantly amazed by these sweet kiddos!

- Flyers for the Sweetheart Dance went home on Thursday. Our PTA website has more information
- Don't forget about sign ups to be a mystery reader:
- Our Six Flags reading logs are going to be due next month! Don't forget to fill those up for a free ticket to Six Flags
- Order those yearbooks before it's too late!
- Remind your kiddos about the importance of washing hands and sneezing/coughing in their elbow! We're working hard to keep the germs out of our classroom
- I'll be submitting our next Scholastic book order on the 31st of this month you can place your orders online at with our class code: RBZR3
- On Valentine's Day we will have an exchange, NOT a party. I will send home a list of class names once it gets closer. Please make sure that your child has a valentine for each person in our class. I will have bags for the kids to decorate that morning.
- Please refer to the green school calendar that was sent home today for upcoming school events

What we're learning:
Reading: Compare and contrast two stories
Writing: Caldecott book award opinion writing
Phonics: /oo/ syllable patterns
Math: 10 more, 10 less/100 more, 100 less (mentally adding and subtracting). We will also continue practicing adding and subtracting within 1000
Content: We'll start learning about Jackie Robinson

Bonus learning: To go along with our pushes and pulls unit that we did we are going to have a video call with the Denali Sled Dog team! We will do this next Tuesday (Target friends will join on a call with another class on Monday).

push pull


Wish List:
-Clorox wipes

THANK YOU to families that have donated to our class! We appreciate it more than we can say.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Updates for the week...

Spelling words will be the same since we were  not here to practice them. As far as what we're learning, we're going to keep on with was was planned for last week so we can be sure to get all that awesome knowledge in! 

*If your child did not complete last week's homework, it is up to you whether they do it or not. I am sending home a new homework sheet today that will cover the same material. 

THIS THURSDAY is STEM night at KSE! 6:30-8:30 on the 2-5 campus! We have many great presenters coming to show off their career in the field of STEM, a food truck, and a free raffle! I hope to see you all there.