Friday, November 10, 2017

Next week in M3....

One more week until Thanksgiving break! I hope everybody has something fun and relaxing planned.

News and Reminders:
- Next Tuesday Penny Wars will be going on! Check out the flyer below for more details!
- Our field trip to see the Nutcracker is quickly approaching! If I did not have a permission slip for your child a second one went home on Thursday. Please please sign and return these on Monday. I would hate for any of the kiddos to miss out.
-Our lost and found on 2-5 campus is OVERFLOWING! If your child is missing a water bottle, jacket, book, etc. please have them check lost and found. Everything left next Friday will be donated.
- Yearbook order forms were sent home earlier this week. Order now because prices go up in December! You'll love the book this year!
- Our Thanksgiving lunch is on Monday at 11:13. You're all invited to arrive 15 minutes early and come on down to our room to enjoy a quick show that the kids have put together for you.
-I am sending home something today regarding the Six Flags reading log. Students will need to have this completed by March 1st. This is a long time from now but if they finish before then they can go ahead and bring them to me. If your child completes the 6 hours or more of reading they will get a free ticket to Six Flags!

What we're learning:
Math: 1 and 2 step word problems and telling time
Reading: Finding reasons to support the author's point
Grammar: Possessive nouns
Phonics: r-controlled e, i, u syllable patterns
Writing: Leaf Man writing. Review of narratives.
Content: Finishing Tomochichi, checking on our fall trees, and economics (money and bartering).

We will also be doing a cranberry themed STEM day 😊

Spelling words:


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