Sunday, October 15, 2017

Next Week In M3...

Sorry for the later than usual update this week. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Some important reminders:
- ALL of next week will be early release due to conferences! Please send in a note if your child's transportation will change. I look forward to seeing you all at conferences.
- Support the Pride has been extended! If Springer reaches his crown Dr. Swec will be duct taped to the wall.
- There will be NO spelling words this week!
- Please remember that each child has a login for and
These are great resources for them to practice!
- If you signed up to bring any of the items for the STEM Lab activity please remember that they will need those by Tuesday (whole milk, table salt, and gallon ziplocks). I heard a rumor that they're making something yummy!

What we'll be learning-
Math- Strategies to help us add and subtract within 20
Reading- We will continue with our poetry unit
Writing- No writing due to early release
Grammar- No grammar/phonics this week due to early release
Content- Creek and Cherokee Indians *Our Learning Commons specialist Mrs. McCurry will be working with us on Tuesday to expand our learning using technology! We cannot wait!

*It looks like Bloomz is still have some uploaded issues. I have one more plan to try and get these photos up for all of you - stay tuned!

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